Sooner Or Later, You Have To Jump Into The Deep End

by Robb Sutton

I was driving with my wife yesterday talking about blogging and why some people are successful with it and others are not (I know…stimulating conversation for a wife to listen to…she puts up with a lot being married to me). After thinking out loud for about 15 minutes, it hit me like a ton of bricks. There is something that every single successful entrepreneur does that other people that do not realize this success never do. There is one common theme that runs throughout people’s lives…both professionally and personally…that almost guarantees success…or failure. But, it is a requirement for success.

You Have To Jump Into The Deep End

Remember when you were a kid learning to swim? If you don’t, think back to the last time you were watching a kid learn to swim. The deep end was a scary place. The pool floor seemed too deep down to fathom. Your feet had no chance of touching the bottom should the worst happen. You are completely reliant on your ability to keep afloat with the distracted teenage lifeguard on watch.

The butterflies hit your stomach and it becomes go time. It is either hit the water or walk away ashamed knowing your fears just got the best of you. You have the swimming ability and it is time. You jump…splash…kick your legs…reach for air…hit the ladder and you are out! Seriously! It’s that easy?! Now your parents can’t get you out of the deep end when it is time to leave in the same day. You conquered your fears and realized it wasn’t half as scary as you had in your head and you had the skills to get the job done.

Where Most Beginning Entrepreneurs Go Wrong

So where do most entrepreneurs go wrong? They take the beginning steps by getting the education, studying the market and do all of the thought processes required to make their own living and the life of their dreams. It is all in their head as they have the theory down pat to the point they can recite it to passers by as they look forward to their promising future. They step up to the deep end, take  a look at the water and…

…Never Step Off and Jump Off

How many people do you know with great ideas that were never followed up on? How many people do you know that are always telling you about their great ideas but they never seem to come to fruition?

Becoming a successful entrepreneur is all about taking that leap of faith into the water. You are taking that leap with the realization that things could go wrong, but with the trust that your training and your ability will make this jump successful. Are you going to swim perfectly to the ladder the first time? Absolutely not! But…with time, that trip continues to get easier and easier and…before you know it…you are a pro.

Trusting your instincts and your ability to succeed are vital to beginning success. More importantly, your belief that you will be able to pull through any mistakes and learn from those to apply them to future successes is was stops the freeze at the edge of the pool. 99.9% of successful blogging, life experiences and owning a successful business all starts with that leap of faith. The vast majority of people will allow that leap to freeze, unwilling to try.

I see business owners all the time that are extremely successful that…honestly…I can’t see how they do it. They don’t have the skills of other people I know…they don’t have the connections…they don’t even have the ability, but they take that step off the pool everyday and those that have all the talent…don’t. That is what separates the successful from the laborers. That ability to take the first step off the cement edge and hit the water unsure of the result on a daily basis.

Are you going to let your fear win? Are you doing to let uncertainty cripple you from being successful?

Don’t Choose The Outcome Before It Happens

These same people who do not take that jump into the deep end are the same ones that can tell you outcomes without experience to back it up.

“They won’t buy it anyway so I don’t think I’ll even bother.”

“There are too many of those in the market already, so I don’t think it is a good idea.”

“That’s a great idea, but I don’t see how you are going to make any money at it.”

All of these are negative feelings towards fear related to uncertain outcomes. You can either run through your life as a victim of circumstances or you can actually try things out for yourself and not be afraid to fail. For that matter…you also can not be afraid to succeed.

So…what are you doing today to take that first step off the cement and into the deep end?

Image by Powerhouse Museum

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Frank Piotrowsky March 15, 2010 - 8:30 am

Great post, Robb!

A german success coach once put it this way:
“Success is spelled: D-O I-T”

Best wishes from gemany,


Robb Sutton March 15, 2010 - 8:54 pm

That is a great quote. Simple and effective!

DJ Wetzel March 15, 2010 - 8:36 am

So I have been scared for about a month now to sign a contract with a web hosting company, and get myself a self-hosted blog. I have been reading for months now about how to do it, and how easy it is, I just didn’t want to invest $10 per month to just do it. How ridiculous does that sound? $10? The price of one meal? Paltry, when you think of what I could be earning by monetizing my site. This is just the motivation I need to go ahead and get that hosting. Here’s to a bright and profitable future.

Robb Sutton March 15, 2010 - 8:55 pm

Great news DJ. Hit it up!

harvestwages March 15, 2010 - 2:08 pm

Hey Robb,
Great post. If not mistaken, i think it’s only in the dictionary that “Hard work” comes before “Success”. Thanks for letting my fellow entrepreneurs know that failure is just an outcome of their fears.
If you are a christian, you will get to realize that the phrase “Fear not” is repeated in the bible 365 times. As if God did say it all days of the year.
Fear is our greatest obstacle and limits our financial instincts. It’s time we discover our financial potentials.

Robb Sutton March 15, 2010 - 8:57 pm

Success without hard work is often an “easy come, easy go” process as well. Hard work makes you appreciate the good times.

Jewelry Secrets March 15, 2010 - 4:31 pm

Anytime I’m feeling down and blue, all I need is to come here for some uplifting thoughts. It’s so easy to talk yourself out of things. It’s so easy to never try. But then again, it’s so easy to fail. Thanks for always giving me vision and self confidence I need to persevere. Reading blogs like yours keeps me focused and shooting for the stars versus shooting myself in the foot. Thanks again Robb. This is a message taken to heart!

Robb Sutton March 15, 2010 - 8:58 pm

I think it is in human nature or we have been bred into it somehow. For some it is easier than others, but we have to consciously give ourselves a kick in the ass all the time. That process never stops.

pj finn March 15, 2010 - 7:46 pm

Good post. Things won’t happen if you don’t do them. I think it was Miles Davis who said something to the effect that if you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always gotten.

If you want to accomplish more, you need to stretch yourself and attempt more.

Robb Sutton March 15, 2010 - 8:59 pm

Nothing worthwhile comes without action. Miles was a cool guy for sure.

Jason March 22, 2010 - 1:06 pm

Robb you post some good stuff man! I have been in that spot many times and know exactly what you are talking about. The stepping out of ones comfort zone can be very difficult for some. Trust me, I know because I’ve dealt with negative people my whole life that tear down your ideas and dreams. I just decided one day to say “WTF” and go for it, so now I’m online trying to learn and make up for lost time. I really like your site and the way you present your message. I don’t even know you, but already feel like I can relate to you!

Robb Sutton March 23, 2010 - 6:48 am

Thanks Jason! Stepping out of that comfort zone is one of the hardest things for people to accomplish.

Leon Aldrich April 25, 2010 - 11:31 pm

Two other examples in a similar vein: 1) “If you knew you could not fail, what would you attempt?” 2) “Throw your heart over the fence, the rest of your body will follow.”

Robb, a test question I’m working on. What does 8,760 equal?

Robb Sutton April 29, 2010 - 7:19 am

No I don’t. What does it equal?

Leon Aldrich April 29, 2010 - 9:25 am

8,760 is our annual allotment of time; our most treasured limited resource.

I got to thinking about what my time is worth. It was hard to break from the conditioned habit of dollars/hour based on a fixed hour work day. I started giving the 24 hour day serious thought, especially when I took the numbers out for a full year.

A friend of mine (Realtor) grossed almost $285k last year or about $133/hr. Now imagine using the leverage of net based tools to generate more referrals, which most self employed and small business simply DO NOT use. Leveraging the other 2/3rds of his day, he could have grossed over $1million.


Leon (Treasurer of the Robb Sutton Fan Club)


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