2010 is and has been a great year for bloggers and website owners. As the blogging industry continues to stray away from its journaling past to evolve into a solid business platform, we are seeing success by entrepreneurial spirits all over the world. Never before have people from across the globe been able to connect as easily both personally and professionally to work together towards a common goal.
Throughout my blogging career, there have been numerous site owners and bloggers that have directly influenced and affected how I run my business. The following list is a collection of those individuals and the online real-estate they represent. This is by no means a claim that they are the most influential on the web. These bloggers and website owners have directly affected how I blog and business build as well as affected those around me.
Some of these names will make you think; “oh…here we go again.” as their spread of influence can not be denied. However, hopefully you find some names on this list outside of the blogging/MMO niche that you can observe and pull influence from to increase your success.
30 Most Influential Bloggers and Website Owners of 2010
So let’s jump right into it…in no particular order…the 30 most influential bloggers and website owners of 2010.
#1 – Darren Rowse
Darren is the bloggers blogger. With his highest grossing blog residing outside of the blogging niche (DPS), Darren proves that being successful online has nothing to do with blogging about blogging and credibility is built upon experience and success. He continues to redefine himself and expand his online offerings through eBooks, forums and other outlets.
Problogger.net | Digital-Photography-School.com | Twitip.com | Interview on RS
#2 – Alborz Fallah
Alborz provided a lot of inspiration for Bike198.com as a successful blog outside of the blogging niche in an expensive, product based market. Dubbed as the million dollar blogger, Alborz is able to drive some of the hottest cars in the industry for a living exemplifying…for me…the ultimate “internet lifestyle”. Not being a blogger…but doing what you love day in and day out and getting paid for it.
#3 – David Schloss
Many of you probably have never heard of David. The originator of the Aperture Users Network, this photographer and website owner has been around for quite awhile. With his recent expansion of his original network into MacCreate.com, David has built an online empire revolving around Apple and digital products.
#4 – Collis Ta’eed
While we are on the blog network kick, Collis Ta’eed created a massive online network of blogs and stores with the Tuts Plus network and family of sites under the Envato name. Started in his mom’s garage, Collis sets the blueprint on how blog networks should be created and expanded upon.
Envato | TutsPlus | ThemeForest | Rockable Press
#5 – Arianna Huffington
While I do not normally agree with the slant the Huffington Post takes on news, I greatly respect the amount of success Arianna and the rest of the crew have achieved online. Recently, Google released the top 1,000 most trafficked sites online and the Huffington Post was the top blog on the list. If that doesn’t spell success…I don’t know what does…
#6 – David Risley
Friend and fellow blogger David Risley has been around before the days of Wordpress. With several successes in and out of the blogging industry, David still manages PCMECH and helps others achieve online success on DavidRisley.com.
DavidRisley.com | PCMECH | 3DayMoney | Blog Masters Club | Interview on RS
#7 – Matthew Inman
While his most notable successes online are for SEOmoz and Mingle before the age of 27, I find Matthew Inman’s originality with The Oatmeal inspiring. Every time I land on the pages of The Oatmeal, I am reminded to be myself and original.
#8 – James Richmond
Having just started TheInfopreneur a short 7 months ago, James managed to inspire many with his dedication and hard work. With long “regular job” work weeks, he was still able to blast a ton of quality info on the web and bring in thousands of comments on his blog. Unfortunately, James is having to step out of the limelight for a little while to battle some health issues, but I don’t think this will be the last we hear of him online.
#9 – Michael Dunlop
Michael has proved…without a doubt…that you can have rapid monetary success online by being original and providing value. His dedication to studying web trends and providing high quality information and interviews for bloggers and young internet entrepreneurs is unprecedented.
IncomeDiary.com | Retireat21.com | Interview on RS
#10 – Elden Nelson
What started off as a humor blog about cycling and losing weight took a drastic turn as Elden’s wife got cancer. Elden used his spread online to raise more money for the Lance Armstrong Foundation than any other individual. Now passed, Elden’s wife still provides strength and hope for other cancer patients through Elden’s (fatty) continued support of fighting cancer and cycling.
#11 – David Leggett
Owner of Tutorial9.net, panel member of UXBooth and web designer, David Leggett has his influence spreading all over the web with design and blogging. The design he created over at Tutorial9.net also happens to be one of my favorite in the industry.
Tutorial9.net | UXBooth | TheLeggett
#12 – Arn Kim
For those of you wondering if you can have a full time job and blog at the same time, Arn Kim ran MacRumors.com for eight years while being a full time doctor before taking his online exploits full time. Arn is an inspiration for everyone trying to put in the late hours to make their online income take over their “regular job”.
#13 – John Chow
John Chow and blogging are two terms that go hand in hand. Having grown up in a small mud shack in China to building his empire that now sits atop the nicest neighborhood in Vancouver, BC. While some do not agree with his tactics, John Chow shows how drive, determination and a passion for blogging can really bring you to the “dot com lifestyle”. Having started in the tech industry, Chow backs up his monetary gains with real life experience outside of the blogging/MMO niche that he is now famous for.
#14 – Justin Shattuck
Justin Shattuck is a name in the blogging industry that you may not even be aware of his influence. You have seen his designs, used his plugins and engaged with his content…most likely…without even knowing it. Owner of Just The Web and several blogs, Justin is an entrepreneur that has left his mark on the blogging world quietly. He also happens to be a partner in oneninety8.
JustinShattuck.com | ReviewTea | Creamily | Just the Web
#15 – Peter Anderson
Peter and his wife went from tons of student loan and personal debt to only owing on the mortgage on BibleMoneyMatters.com. His financial advice and faith has helped others achieve the same through his blogging efforts. I first met Peter way back when I was first starting RobbSutton.com. His drive and passion for the subject matter has really brought his blog to the success it sees today.
BibleMoneyMatters.com | Quicktofit.com | Logosforwebsites.com
#16 – Kelly Diels
Kelly has a true passion for writing and blogging and that has landed her the fantastic opportunity to blog on Problogger.net and be a full time freelance writer. Once chained by her desk job, Kelly know gets to make a living full time doing what she loves…writing. I’ll never forget the day she popped up on my chat screen with the news…the excitement could be seen through the screen!
#17 – Daniel Scocco
Daily Blog Tips is a fixture in the blogging industry and Daniel Scocco is at the helm. Add to that…he is a member of the online profits crew with names like Yaro Starak and Neil Patel, so success online is just how Daniel rolls.
Daily Blog Tips | Online Profits
#18 – Yaro Starak
Yaro is the king of membership programs and teaching others success online like he has seen over the years. Having gone through Yaro’s Blog Mastermind program in the past (all of us start from somewhere!), I can tell you the success is well deserved. Yaro has a true passion for blogging and the lifestyle it can bring for aspiring internet entrepreneurs. It spreads through everything he does.
Entrepreneurs-Journey.com | Blog Mastermind | Membership Mastermind | BecomeABlogger.com
#19 – Mike Crimmins
I met Mike through my work on RobbSutton.com. Mike has taken his love of all things coffee and turned it into a coffee blog that is accessible for all types of coffee drinkers. The real appeal I find in Mike’s blogging is his ability to not be the ego driven blogger. He has a real ability to connect with all types of people and their love for the brown bean.
#20 – Nathan Hangen
Nathan just hangs it out there…pulls no punches…and you know exactly where you stand. This brutal honesty wins him readers trust and is true to who he is. Blogging has to be authentic and you have to not just carbon copy another blogger’s voice. Nathan Hangen stays true to who he is and does not bend to public opinion. It is an inspiration.
NathanHangen.com | Beyond Blogging
#21 – Francis Cebedo
If you do not ride a bike, you are wondering…”who the hell is Francis Cebedo?!” Francis started the largest cycling websites in the world and it ranks up there with some of the top forums in the world…MTBR.com. With millions of visits a month, Francis has hit the holy grail in forum ownership in spades and provides the inspiration to other forum starters by showing what is really possible.
#22 – Nicholas Cardot
Nicholas is just a cool dude with great content. One of the diamonds in the rough with SiteSketch101, Nicholas takes a powerful look at blogging and social media with a unique look, voice and attitude. As a member of the United States Army, he carries that same dedication and consistency into his blogging.
#23 – Shoemoney
Jeremy Schoemaker is legendary in the internet marketing and blogging industries. However, his millions of dollars in annual revenues is not the reason I included him on this list. His story of self destruction to healthy, happy living is an inspiration to those looking to blogging to make a positive turn in their lives. Anything is possible with the right attitude and determination and Shoemoney is living proof that the sky is no longer the limit.
Shoemoney.com | The Shoemoney System
#24 – Michael Martine
Michael Martine shows businesses how to capitalize on blogging and social media to improve their businesses and jump into the new business world head first. His long term commitment and knowledge in web trends is on par with the top in the industry. Michael is just one of those happy family guys that you want to pick there brain for awhile…and I got the chance on this blog.
Remarkablogger | Interview on RS
#25 – Alex Fraiser
The new generation of bloggers is making fast strides in the industry. 17 year old Alex Fraiser is making waves with great design and content over at Blogussion. With this new wave of talented bloggers, the future looks bright for the industry as a whole. Bloggers like Alex are a reminder to the rest of us to stay on top of trends and never stop learning.
#26 – Rob Rammuny
Having started making waves recently, Rob Rammuny is expanding his offerings online through blogging and Wordpress themes. Another one of the younger generation bloggers, Rob is building his empire before most of us even thought of how to write our first articles. Exciting times for the younger generation as things move forward.
Robs Web Tips | Theme Sheep Wordpress Themes
#27 – Gary Vaynerchuk
What can be said about Gary V that hasn’t been beat to death already? Gary brought his family wine business to new heights through his blogging efforts and then continued his empire with content and books. Gary is the new wave of entrepreneurs that are leveraging the power of the internet to increase business rapidly.
Gary Vaynerchuk | Wine Library TV | Crush It!
#28 – Jordan Cooper
Jordan Cooper cracks me up…literally. This comedian, forum connoisseur and blogger brings his unique style to everything he touches. It takes a lot of balls to step on stage and perform a comedy act and Jordan brings that same confidence and humor into his blogging. Jorday reminds me why we don’t have to be serious all of the time to take our business seriously.
#29 – Chris Garrett
Chris Garrett has helped more bloggers, website owners and business owners achieve success through online outlets than I care to count. As a co-author of Problogger with Darren Rowse, Chris has an impressive resume that backs up his willingness to help others.
#30 – Dave Navarro
Dave Navarro’s eBook “How To Launch The #!&@ Out Of Your Ebook” has become my go-to guide every time I get ready to launch a new product. Getting things done the right way the 1st time is essential to success and Dave lays it all out there so you can see the results.
The Launch Coach | How To Launch The @#!& Out Of Your Ebook
There You Have It!
Inside and outside of the blogging world, there are people to touch our lives and affect our business. These 30 individuals are the ones that have had the most influence over my blogging and those close to me this year.
Everyone has their list…who is on yours?
Absolutely freakin’ awesome collection of excellent bloggers and the resources that go with it.
It’s also great to see James from TheInfoPreneur on here, too. I was actually due to start a JV with James (website designed, logo kickin’ butt, etc.) in the next month or so, but we have obviously put it on the back-burner for the time being. I hope he gets better soon so we can we continue with it.
What I love about lists like this is that everyone has their personal fave’s. And, even though I am well read online, I still came across another few ‘new’ names to me on this list.
So, thank you for an awesome post, bud.
Thanks Chris! Yeah…it is too bad about James, but he will pull through and be back again.
Robb, I’m truly humbled to be included in this group, thanks so much for thinking of me. I have to say that you should be number 31 on this list as well, as I have watched your site explode over the past year or two, watching you land some amazing interviews, hand out a ton of great free advice, and build your sites into a mini-empire. So thanks, and congrats on your success as well!
Thanks Peter! It has been a blast watching your site grow over the years and your ability to help others financially improve their lives is a great way to leave your mark on the web. Keep up the great work.
I’m really not sure how I was worthy enough to be on the list, but thank you! Darren Rowse, David Risley and Gary Vaynerchuk, I understand, but not me.
But seriously, thank you for the motivation and direction since I started reading your blog. I’m pretty excited about some things that I’m working on behind the scenes and you’ve definitely helped me along.
Influential is a funny thing. You don’t have to be a “top earner” to be influential. Your ability to write to your target readers and not get side tracked by the typical “blogging ego” is a really great trait to have. Keep up the great work…things are going your way.
thanks for the inclusion Robb – not sure I feel I deserve the prominent position this year as to be honest it’s been a tougher year for me on a number of fronts but I’m glad what I’ve managed to pull together has been useful to you – it motivates me to keep pushing forward in the second half of the year.
You keep on reinventing yourself and adapting to changing environments and while sometimes those are small changes compared to what you have already accomplished…it is inspiring for those watching on the sidelines. And even with all of the online success, you are still humble and a pleasure to work with…even if you are a Canon guy… 😉
I think you deserve it forever Darren. You’ve been a tremendous inspiration to thousands of us 😉
You rock, mate. And we all know that!
Keep up the great work!
All the best from the Philippines.
Interesting list, Robb
I know about 90% of them – well, some are really really hard to ignore.
Nevertheless, I wish there were more creative and inspiring people, we need them.
Thanks Robb, I appreciate the feature here! I honestly am grateful to be up here with all these amazing bloggers. I appreciate it bro!
Robb, great list and I read most of those (other than Huffington). Good to see some up and comers like Rob Rammuny and Nick Cardot on the list.
I will miss James Richmond, but hopefully the site will carry forward with the new owner too.
Watch out 2011, I will be on top of your list! LOL
(PS: Thanks for the help on my eBook too!, see you soon up here for some mountain biking?)
You’re welcome Keith. I was happy to contribute.
It is really cool to see the younger generation starting so early on their sites and businesses. I can’t even begin to think where I would be today if I would have started up that early.
Nice list man.. I question some of your choices..lol But overall nice list.
Thanks John! We can’t all agree on everything! What a boring world that would be…
I agree with that 🙂 Already follow most of them.. Nicholas my most recent.. awesome blog.
Thanks, John. I sure do appreciate it. I’m very honored to be a part of this list.
Very humbling to be included among such excellent company and I’m glad you find value in what I do. Most of the rest of the folks on this list are already in my network and some I call friend, but there are some here that are new to me. Many thanks for the new inspiration!
Tons of value…actually…it’s all value! Thanks for doing what you do.
Glad to make the list! Thanks for including me and I’m so glad my ebook is helping you grow your business.
It’s nice to be on a list but when it comes down to it, it’s much more meaningful to know that people are actually using your content. 🙂
All the best –
I use it all the time Dave! I also LOVE the design you have over at Launch Coach. Clean…
[[ insert over-the-top gratitude and unnecessary platitudes about being “humbled” in the inclusion on your oh-so-official list here ]]
haha! [[insert I love what you are doing sappy response here]]
These are awesome bloggers. Though i already know many of them.
Last week i created a list of “10 Best Internet Marketing Blogs” 😀
Thanks for sharing this great list.
Awesome list, Robb! I’ve come to know some of these guys over the last year as well and I’d have to agree. I like that you haven’t just listed the “money makers” but those who have truly been skilled at expanding their reach, which is the point anyway. Having followed you during this time too, I’d say you’d make the list if it weren’t your own. Keep it up, bro!
You are killing it lately too! I really like what you have going on at Fuel.
[…] may or may not be into lists. I still like them myself, and Robb’s list caught my attention. He lists 30 of the most influential bloggers and website owners, but what I […]
Leo Babauta on Zen Habits, mnmlist, co-founder of the A-List Blogging Bootcamp. The man can write.
Great list, Robb.
Some new guys for me to explore.
One guy who I think just kicks it as a blogger, but rarely gets much of a mention outside of his own niche is Carlos Whittaker, who blogs at Ragamuffinsoul.
The site looks great. He’s got the Web 2.00 chops, his writing is engaging and genuinely funny, he’s open and honest to a fault and has a large & loyal following.
He is located in Atlanta! Small world! Thanks for forwarding that along.
Yeah. You should hook up, and tell Los Johnny sent ya!
On top of all the other stuff I forgot to mention Carlos 3 million + hits vid on Youtube!
Nice list :). Keep up the great work!
First, thanks for including me…it’s a huge, huge honor.
Jordan expects it, but he’s an ass. 😀
This is a great list, and I don’t say this because I’m on it, but because for once, someone has identified bloggers outside the norm. There is a new wave of talent coming on board, many of them young and hungry, and they’re forcing the old guard to up their game.
It’s a hell of a time trying to keep up with guys like Alex that can blog and design too.
I haven’t heard of many listed, so I’m going to check them out. Love the Tutorial 9 and Envato picks though…very influential to me.
One thing I really like about what you’re doing is you aren’t obsessed with the MMO stuff. Your review site is a great example of how you can make money and have fun doing what you love.
Jordan is and so are you… 😉
Thanks Nathan. You are right on track with my goal on this list.
[…] blogger, Rob Sutton has published a new list of 30 bloggers/website owners who are kicking it in the Blogosphere as of today, June […]
My favorite bloggers in this list are :
Jeremy (Shoemoney) Schoemaker , I learn lots of strategies from “Shoe”. Even took a 15 day trial of his Shoemoney system. I highly recommend it if you have $5 to spend to get a ton of value in return.
Darren, We all know he rocks.
Alex, he accepted my guest post :).
Michael Dunlop: Michael inspired me to start blogging.
Daniel Scocco: Because I want him as a friend :). Just kidding. Nevertheless, I learn a lot from his news letter.
My favorite bloggers not on the list are:
Robb Sutton: Your review success is awesome.
Tamar Weinberg (Techipedia.com): She is the social media queen if you ask me.
Brian Clark: Learn a lot from his blog every day.
I mentioned you guys in my own list here because I read your blogs and find them valuable.
Now I have new people to “read”.
I can’t leave by saying, all bloggers rock. Go Bloggers, go.
Thanks for your input Kwame. Brian Clark is a badass too.
What a great resource! I like how you put this together! Very informative, very useful. You should have put yourself on this list. You are doing a great job with your blog! Thank you for sharing this information.
Guess I better get my butt going so a few more females can make your list. Real nice list, but us ladies are getting left in the dust, so I’ll see if that can be changed.
Wish me luck guys, because here I come.
Just replied to Erica’s comment below on the male/female ratio.
Bring it!
Cool list thanks for thinking of me!
jk thanks!
haha! He paid me. You know how he is.
Damnit Robb! You are not helping my attempt at remaining in the background! Behind the scenes does not mean putting me on some list of inspiration, keep me to yourself! Just jokes. But honestly, who are these guys? I am not good at connecting names/faces with checking accounts.. haha
Appreciate the mention and kudos to everyone else. I think I should be above David and Envato tho.. I mean come on.. seriously.. seriously.. did I say seriously yet?
Yeah man…I just out’ed you. Sorry. Get over it. 😉
Cool list…but it needs more women! Plenty of great women bloggers out there who didn’t make this list.
Just went to your blog for the first time today after your comment. Now I have another blog in the RSS reader! Great stuff.
I think the percentage of women bloggers vs. men (and this is no excuse…still need to follow more women) is still unbalanced. There are some that stand out, but they are often hard to find for some reason. Is there a “boys club” effect going on here or is it just the nature of the beast.
Word, Erica. 🙂
So many great women probloggers who fly under the radar (whether by choice or because no one has noticed them yet).
I noticed this after hearing the Technorati survey data at BlogWorld last year (wrote a blog post about it, actually: http://lisamorosky.com/2009/10/66-of-probloggers-are-men-where-my-ladies-at/).
I think it comes down to a combination of these factors:
-Women may be overlooked because they’re not necessarily in the more popular make money online genre.
-Perhaps women aren’t demanding enough attention yet in this industry.
-Maybe women aren’t marketing themselves properly (or loudly).
-A lot of women are still busy doing other things (like, ya know, taking care of households and kids and husbands who would die without them…and other stuff). 😉
-A lot of women just haven’t jumped from hobby blogger to problogger.
So yeah, I think there are more men who are PRObloggers. But more men who are, in general, bloggers? I don’t know about that.
Lisa, I totally agree. Another underlying factor is the “bitch factor.” I’m highly self-promotional–I even wrote a blog post about why it’s so important to self-promote…
But there are a lot of people out there who will rag on you. It’s hard to deal with. I’ve been called every name in the book, cursed at in blog comments and email, etc.
It goes back to the old problem that when women self-promote, it’s looked at negatively, but when men self-promote, it’s looked at in a more positive light.
Also, many women (even me!) have been trained from a young age to not self-promote; that modesty is the best policy.
Screw modesty. It gets you nowhere in this world. Unfortunately, we have to break through many years of training to realize that.
haha…I am going to have to remember that…”the bitch factor”. While it is funny…there is a lot of truth in it. My wife is a mechanical engineer and as a woman in a male dominated field…she deals with that a lot.
Thanks, Robb! I will most certainly return the favor with your blog. 🙂
I guess it would be good to look outwards too, to see if there are more global voices out there – outside of the usual North America, UK, Australia axis.
I’ve been wondering who the truly global voices are?
What a surprise and a delight – you’re a doll. Thank you for including me.
My initial reaction was: whoa. pretty fine crowd. What am I doing here?
But including me in this list just fires me up – I want to keep up, and I want to keep inspiring people to write with passion and pour their hearts into their sites and their businesses.
Because what are we saving it for?
Thank you again, Robb. I’m honoured.
You know I love you! The amount of passion you bring to the table is awesome.
I’m thrilled to be a part of the list here. Thanks so much for that honor.
Robb, if I were to add someone to the list, it would probably be Seth Godin. I read his blog like a hawk chases mice.
You are putting out some fantastic info man…glad to put you on this one for sure.
Completely agree with Nicholas. Seth offers awesome value in digestible chunks every day. I would put him in the top 5!
Every time somebody does a list like this people come and say “You shoulda included So-and-so.”
Look, unless there was a method used to calculate something like this, it’s just one person’s opinion. Make your own list if you don’t like Robb’s or anyone else’s. If these other people you mention don’t seem influential to Robb, why should they be on his list? It’s HIS list. He asked us who we’d have on ours, not who he should’ve put on his. 🙂
Hahaha. You make a good point on that one 😉
I like what you say brother…I lik…
Hey Michael,
I probably shouldn’t announce this before I have it, but I’m actually working on a project where anyone can create these easily and post them to their blog. I’ll shoot you over a link once it’s ready for some beta testers (should be 6-8 weeks.)
Interesting…keep me in the loop on that one as well.
One day I’ll be on that list 😉
Nice list you’ve got there, Robb!
I know almost everyone one of these bloggers (Doubt they all know me 😛 ), so it’s nice to see that I’m not the only one recognizing them! They’ve all worked hard to get to their current position.
I am gonna have to make a soon to be influential bloggers list…Just kidding I know I am not that influential yet, but nice list for sure.
This list really opened my eyes to the great bloggers out there. I had never heard of Dave Navarro before and his content looked interesting, so I went to his site. I read one article and I have already downloaded four ebooks! Thanks for allowing me to discover some of the great minds across the internet.
Nice List, Rob!
Personally, I think these lists of influential bloggers in 2009 and 2010 NEED to include Chris Pearson (http://www.pearsonified.com). The creator of DIYthemes and The Thesis Theme for WordPress framework is used by many of the bloggers on your list. The person who builds the most remarkable and arguably best publishing platform for bloggers should get some props, IMHO.
Another blogger who deserves some credit is Lisa Barone – CBO of OutSpokenMedia. Her creative writing style and her ability to continually publish value-added articles on the OutSpokenMedia blog and SmallBusinessTrends.com is outstanding.
My $.02. 🙂
Chris Pearson and Lisa Barone top notch for sure. Chris I consider more of a developer than a blogger/website owner.
W0ot! So good to see my friends in here. Awesome list man!
Great list. Thanks! I’ve only heard of a few of them so I’m looking forward to going through them tomorrow.
Totally agree with the comments about women. I reckon women bloggers tend to be more niche oriented e.g arts, interiors. There are tens of thousands of them out there, not just hobby bloggers. One of the more successful bloggers who I’d like to add to your list is Jen of Made by Girl – http://madebygirl.blogspot.com/. An entrepreneur, Jen’s been around since 2006, has thousands of followers, is seriously influential in her niche market, gets around 50 comments per article and has given up her day job.
Mandy, You make some great points. I would probably estimate there is more crossover in readers in the blogging/mmo niche between men and women. Where the interiors/other niches that a lot women bloggers are really successful (ones that don’t talk about blogging) in are primarily women readers, so getting them on my radar might prove to be difficult as a male unless they are specifically pointed out. I have a pretty good percentage of women readers on Bike198.com, but there are a lot of women cyclists interested in that info.
So, who likes ice cream?
Pimpin’ your frozen goods on my site punk?! Only if you ship me some.
Great list – you’ve introduced me to a couple of people I’m not already across.
As for my own list, Chris Brogan is up there for sure.
What a great list. I know some of them and some are not. I think having a list of great people on the internet is a good way to know them well from the start.
That’s why I get motivated to know more about those people stated above which I never hear before.
Thanks for sharing this list.
– Felix Albutra
What a great list of people. Thanks for putting this together.
Good to see Mike Crimmins from Daily Shot of Coffee made the list. He has been a good friend and reader for over a year. I discovered that he made this list yesterday on the Live Show and was excited for him to say the least.
It also clued me in to your blog. I can’t wait to dive into all the content you have here.
Thanks Jason! Mike is a cool dude for sure and I really like what he has been able to accomplish in a short period of time.
[…] very pleasing design that proves to be the next generation of blogs about blogging. Not only is he very influential, but the setup of his content pleases both new and committed readers. It’s all about being […]
[…] 30 Most Influential Cycling Blogs and Websites of 2010” and on RobbSutton.com I posted “Top 30 Most Influential Bloggers and Website Owners of 2010“.The task was simple. Post two very similar posts in two completely different niches and […]
I have no ambitions about being the Top 30 ANYthing, but I couldn’t find an article titled How to Get Your Humble Little Food Blog Noticed by More People! Any suggestions for me?
What an amazing list of admirable and inspirational bloggers who have shaped the decade of blogging successes. Thanks for sharing Robb!
I noticed not too many of them use their personal name for their domain name (aside from John Chow, Kelly Diels, and some others).
Hey I think you left out Copyblogger. =)
[…] up to you, but think about who is at your or around your level and who is higher than you or really who influences you. For example, I think Chris Brogan, Gary Vaynerchuk, Darren Rowse, and Matt Cheuvront […]
[…] blogging for a little over 18 months. He has been featured on Rob Sutton’s blog as one of the 30 most influential bloggers of 2010, a list that includes Darren Rowse, Yaro Starak, Chris Garrett and John […]
[…] 41% of people still considered to be in this area. That’s why myself and many others are pushing for you to have an influence […]
[…] been featured on Robb Sutton’s 30 Most Influential Bloggers And Website Owners Of 2010 and included in David Risley’s list of 4 Bloggers Doing It […]
Absolute bollocks! One woman on the list. This is not a true list of influential bloggers -it is a list of influential male bloggers. You don’t think that mum bloggers and fashion experts are right up there? They are but I guess it’s because they are influential to women so they don’t count. I’ll be back when you put up an unbiased list that doesn’t reflect the author’s likes.