Classic Male Dumbass Moment

by Robb Sutton

I don’t normally talk about my personal life on this blog…and that needs to change. Especially since my name is the domain. In the spirit of a glimpse into the life of Robb Sutton and what makes him tick, I have to tell on myself a little bit this morning. So my wife had a little bit of surgery two and a half weeks ago. On Tuesday, we go to the doctors office to get the stitches removed from her belly button and do the typical “what happens now” post op visit. Now…my wife is a tough woman that put herself through Georgia Tech engineering school and she can handle her own, but she has one large weakness…she is deathly afraid of needles and stitches. For a woman that is so strong in every other area of her life…it is ok to have this one, little fear.

So…there we are while the doctor is taking out the stitches and I can tell she is in pain. As her eyes water up starring at me, I figured I needed to do something to make her smile. Makes sense right? It is my job as the husband to make everything ok in an unsure world right? It’s time to step up and show her what I am really made of! I can make everything feel better with a drop of a hat! You just watch…

Robb’s Dumbass Moment

Have you ever had one of those ideas that sounded great in your head but once put into action…turns into an incredibly bad idea? Well I had a moment just like that which made me decide to give my wife the finger with a smile on my face. To my surprise (which it shouldn’t have been), it didn’t make my wonderful wife smile…it just made her more upset! Imagine that! Who doesn’t want to be flicked off while in pain? I knew before my finger was even half way up that this was not going to end well, but I was at the point of no return. I had to keep uncurling the finger with the hope that the tides would change and I would get a smile instead of more water from her eyes. Maybe a goofy face will help? Nope…that didn’t help either…my finger is still in the air…

What can I say…that was my dumbass, it sounded better in my head, male moment of the week. For the guys…I know you have been there before and you will be there again. For the woman out there…I’m sorry. It really is out of the best intentions even if our brains are functioning properly at that moment. Luckily, she puts up with my idiots maneuvers and still calls me her husband. Its like I told her right before our wedding last year…”I only have to keep you convinced this is a good idea for 1 more day…then you are stuck with me!” Sure enough…now she is stuck with me.

According to the doctor, she is healing up great, but we still have some decisions to make. So we are onto stage two of the process with the hope that everything is going to turn out ok. Just like everything else in life, you take it one step at a time and make sure you do your part in the process towards a positive outcome. In the meantime, I’ll try to keep the dumbass moves at bay…as much as I can with little to no impulse control!

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The Z Man August 20, 2009 - 8:45 am

ha ha ha … I can see that whole thing taking place

“Robb! OMG! What the hellll is that for?”
“Babe… I’m sorry. I thought it would be funny.”

Good times.

paulo August 20, 2009 - 10:17 am

Haha, Dumbass indeed! We’ve all been there!

KNau August 20, 2009 - 11:03 am

Because if it was a male friend that tactic would’ve worked! Men tend to “joke” the pain away but we often forget that women see the world completely differently than we do.

It works the same way with “gag” gifts. You have to be VERY careful about buying a joke gift for your wife or girlfriend!

Robb Sutton August 22, 2009 - 5:48 am

Yeah…no gag gifts for the wife!

Mike August 20, 2009 - 3:11 pm

All I can say is that I’ve been there.

Robb Sutton August 22, 2009 - 5:48 am

And will probably be there again one day! I know I will.


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