I will save you from the temptation of slapping up a cheesy quote telling you how important teaching is for long term growth and mental stability. We have all heard them a thousand times and don’t care to hear them again. Wasn’t there one that involved fish or fishing? The fact is that when you teach a reader how to do something, you are rewarded with higher subscriber counts and increased traffic. To this day, my how to posts are in the top five for traffic every month and the more how to articles I write, the more benefit I see on my blog. By teaching readers to perform a task, it builds upon your credibility as an authority in your niche and provides the necessary link bait to further promote your blog.
So…there you are, sitting down with a blank “New Post” screen in front of your computer screen waiting for that incredible how to article idea to hit you in the face like a ton of bricks. What can you do to bring that wealth of knowledge encapsulated in that melon of yours to a page and into the brains of your readers? Everyone out there has something they can teach in every niche across the web.
- Have a coffee blog where you review different coffee from around the world? Teach your readers how to brew that perfect cup of java that will change the way they think about coffee for forever.
- Have a Mac blog? Teach your readers how to have hours of editing time in Final Cut Express or how to create unbelievable images through iPhoto.
- Have a personal blog? Show your readers how to waste the day away in a park (or whatever else you find enjoyment in).
- What about a car blog? Show how you too can change your own oil and save 100’s per year on car maintenance expenses.
These how to articles are going to serve as a basis to feature your other blog content such as product reviews and opinion pieces. How to articles also serve as a vital part of your viral content as they are spread from person to person through email, Twitter and word of mouth. I challenge you to start teaching your readers today for increased blog traffic and rss or newsletter subscribers today. You will be amazed at the results and you will be adding more value added content to your blog. There are three types of readers that search the web…consumers (looking to buy), those that are looking for raw information (product info, information resources, etc.) and those that need to solve a problem (how to). You want to have your blog solve as many scenarios as possible and serve as a one stop shop for your niche.
1 comment
I think I was reading your mind. I’ve been working on more how-to articles, as well as product reviews. I’m also working on a how-to free ebook to increase my email list. The how-to articles are definitely some of my most visited blog posts and most of them are pretty new.