If you are anything like me, when you go to insert social media icons in to your blog, you start to scour the net for the perfect set that matches your style and your design. Ever since Smashing Magazine started doing “## Top Whatever’s” list posts, everyone and their mom has come out with their own version clouding up Google with the same list after list.
Don’t get me wrong…there are a lot of really cool looking icons in those lists, but can you honestly see me using leaf icons on any of my blogs?! What about those crazy, complicated icons that you can’t even tell what they are trying to promote? I didn’t think so…
So, every time I need to find some clean, professional looking icons to integrate into my blogs, I end up having to look through every pointless list after list for that one set that is going to work. After having to do that too many times, I have decided to put together this list of social media icon sets that you can actually use in your designs as a resource for myself and you guys. No leafs, Popsicle’s or random weirdness here…just clean icons you can actually use on your blog.
33 Social Media Icon Sets You Can Actually Use
So here it is…the list. Click on any of the images below to download the set to use in your blog design.
IMPORTANT DESIGN NOTE: One thing to keep in mind. You are not picking the icon set that you necessarily like the best. It is about finding social media icons that integrate into your design to make it look seamless. You do not want your icons to look like a “cut and paste” after thought just because you think they look cool. Careful planning goes a long way…
1. Social Bookmark Icon Set from Vikiworks
2. Socialize from Dry Icons
3. Circular Social Media Icons from Blog Perfume
4. Aquatiqus.Social by jwloh
5. Handycons by Janko at Warp Speed
6. Chrome by Chris Wallace
7. Social Media Icons by ~plechi
8. Social Media Icon Set by webtoolkit4.me
9. Glossy Icon Set by webtoolkit4.me
10. Social Media Icons by Sebastiano at WeGraphics
11. Splatter Social Icons by My Ink Blog
12. Social Icons by Elegant Themes
13. Sleek Social Icons by Andrew at Design Instruct
14. Vector Social Media Icons by Icon Shots
15. Vintage Social Media Icons from Web Expedition 18
16. Social Media Icons by FreeSocialMediaIcons.com
17. Vector Social Media Icons by Icon Dock
18. Social Media Icons by Pink Moustache
17. Gray and White Social Media Icons by Web Treats
18. Extreme Grunge Social Media Icons by colaja
19. Polaroid Icon Set by webtoolkit4.me
20. Rivet Social Icon Set by John Campbell at DesignBump
21. Social Duo 2 Icon Set by IconBlock
22. Web Social Icons by NarjisNaqvi
23. Picasso Social Media Icon Set by Six Revisions
24. Social Media Icon Set by Paper Leaf
25. Social Media Icon Set at WeFunction
26. Social Networking Icons by Cheth Studios
27. Social Icon Tabs by Cheth Studios
28. Life In Pixels Icon Set by Six Revisions
29. Social Media Icon Set by Media Loot
30. Social Media Icon Set by sawb
31. Mac Style Icons by designbold
32. Black and White Icons by webtoolkit4.me
33. Social Clean by Icon Shock
There you have it. The 33 social media icon sets that you can actually use in your blog design. These clean, unique sets can integrate into your design to create higher conversions and a more custom appeal. Be sure to pick a set that fits with your color scheme and feel as you look to increase your social media presence.