A Simple, Yet Effective Way To Increase The Uniqueness Of Your Content

Today I wanted to record this quick video podcast to illustrate one way I have been insuring my content is as unique as it can be on a regular basis across my blogs.

Like it or not…we are greatly influenced by what we take in on a daily basis. As we go about our day, read other websites and blogs and interact with people, we are taking bits of that information everywhere with us as we go. While this is actually a great thing and a source of where I find most of my ideas (life experience is always the best to pull from), we can jump into a trap in our quest to release unique, relevant content the web.

The Routine That Causes Content Blindness

If your morning started out anything like mine did, you probably go up, took a shower, got dressed, had some coffee and then opened up your feed reader to see what was happening on the web that day. Even if you did this routine at night after your regular job, you probably followed a similar routine…maybe minus the coffee.

Like any blogger, you are following numerous blogs within your given niche, so you started digesting content before you started producing it.

Going back to our theory of taking something with you from every experience and information absorption in your day, you can unconsciously start creating content on your blog that…well…looks a lot like your RSS feed. While it is good to stay on top of trends and write relevant content for your readers, it is increasingly important that you continue to produce unique content that does not look like rehashed, reworded articles that are found on other parts of the web.

By staying on top of the latest news and articles in your niche, you can get into this trap of just being another “me too” instead of a unique source. Readers read blogs to connect with that uniqueness and originality. If you become just a mirror of your RSS feed…you lose that draw and that will lead to growth decline.

My Challenge To Bloggers

As we think and reflect back on how our content digestion affects our content production, I have a challenge to you as a blogger. Just like you need to schedule your time with social media, schedule your content digestion time and keep it away from your content production. The goal is to have a clean slate to work with while you are formulating content ideas, writing articles and recording videos.

Personally, I have been scheduling my RSS feed time to about 2 to 3 times a week and then using Hootsuite to schedule RT’s throughout the remaining days. This not only has drastically affecting my efficiency, but it keeps my mind clear of everyone else’s content while I am producing mine. By staying on top of events several times a week, I am also not missing out on any developing trends on the web.

Have you taken a serious look at how your habits affect your content? How much time are you spending a week scouring the web instead of building your content library?

Simple changes like this one in your daily routine can bring swinging positive results in your business.

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Jason March 7, 2011 - 2:19 am
Nice post Rob. I've sat down more than a couple times to write something only to realize that "my ideas" sounded familiar. Sure enough, looking back at the recent posts I had read revealed that I was just rehashing someone else's content. One way I feel this can be effective though is expanding on small points others make. Many times #3 on someone's list post has turned into a full article for me. I don't think that falls into the "someone else's content" category though since they only wrote a couple sentences.
Robb Sutton March 11, 2011 - 12:08 pm
It happens to everyone Jason. Often times...without us even really knowing it. Diving deeper into subjects is a great way to get past it.
Kavya Hari March 9, 2011 - 7:14 am
Hello Robb, original article would be more important because it could say some ones life and so on. Thanks a lot for given great post on here.
Owen Marcus March 9, 2011 - 6:40 pm
Yes - have an attitude! I need to take more risks in taking a position and adding value. Good post.
Anonymous March 10, 2011 - 2:12 am
Fantastically simple ... makes perfect sense. Thank you.
Ryan Biddulph May 1, 2011 - 8:42 pm
Hi Robb, Great idea and critical to implement, if you want to create unique content. Divide your time between research and creation. Set up periods where you write, preceded by periods of silence. Most of my "silent-generated" ideas are unique, because I am going directly to Source. I also grab many creative ideas from my blogging buddies. I use them but put a unique spin on them so they don't look rehashed. The idea is to be genuine, to speak with your own voice. Because I have plenty of old, unread content out there I Tweet Old Post it and spend a majority of my time networking, along with doing some promoting too. Thanks for sharing Robb! RB
Robb Sutton May 3, 2011 - 12:13 pm
Sure thing! Inspiration can come from anywhere...it is the unique spin on things that separates the unique from the copycats. Sounds like you have a system that is working for you!
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