Review Consult

[highlight color=”yellow”]Want to get into review blogging and make more money online


[highlight color=”yellow”]but aren’t sure how? [/highlight]

I have been in your shoes. I know how it is. There is a big world out there and you are just trying to capture your small piece of the pie.

Review blogging is known throughout the industry for being the #1 source of affiliate income for bloggers, but there is there is a lot of uncertainty about your niche and how it needs to be attacked.

This is where I can help.

I have been in your shoes and I have made it a success. With over $100k per year coming in with review product alone, I have built a solid and sizable blog based on the premise of making money through reviews and providing value to my readers on

My background in large business to business sales brings a unique angle to blogging that will skyrocket your earnings by taking a real business approach that generates income.

So what are you getting?

  • Preliminary questionnaire so I can research your niche and blog before the consult (zero wasted time).
  • 1.5 hours of one on one consulting that covers everything from what you should be reviewing, other articles you should be writing and who you should start contacting within your niche.
  • Recorded video/audio of the entire consultation for future reference.

Click below and let’s get started. Your future is too important to waste time on activities that will not work in the end.