Make Writer's Block Your Bitch – 4 Blog Content Sources

I know the feeling. You are sitting in front of your computer screen thinking, “what the hell am I going to write about today?!”. It’s ok…there is a solution and it is much easier than you could ever imagine. Before you go jumping off a cliff worrying about whether your readers are going to like what you write or completely leave you because you missed a day of valuable content – how dare you! – check out these sources for blog content that will get you typing and published before you know it.

4 Blog Content Sources for Bloggers

  1. Online Forums In Your Niche – Online forums are a fantastic source for blog content. In those forums that are related to your niche – and every niche has at least one huge one – you are going to find what your readers want to read…current topics. Online forums are an instant resource that taps into the minds of your readers and potential audience. By browsing the thread subject headings and longer thread content, you are able to find incredibly valuable content that will breed conversation on your blog. Why will it breed conversation? Because people are already talking about it!

    Recently, I joined the forum (measly 2 bones per month to connect with other high quality bloggers…pretty sweet if you ask me but that is another subject for another day) as a way to connect with other bloggers. What I realized shortly there after, is that I am paying 2 bucks a month for a list of article topics longer than I can physically write. It’s fantastic! The nerve of the blogging community is at my finger tips all thanks to a simple forum. If you are not watching the large forum in your niche…you need to start right now and feed off all of the valuable, relevant content it can bring to your blog.
  2. Twitter, Digg, Stumbleupon, Facebook and Other Social Media Outlets – By paying attention to trending topics and what is popular out there today in your niche, you are able to find and expand upon these topics in your blog articles. You should already be using these forms of internet communication, so now is the time to look at them in a little bit different light as you get over writer’s block and start typing like mad with your new, great idea. If you are seeing a trend in conversation, chances are – your readers want to hear what you have to say about it. Instead of just watching these incredible content ideas pass you by, capitalize on the news and get to writing.
  3. Other Bloggers Blogs – I am sure by this point your RSS feed reader is filled with your competition’s feeds to see what they are writing about that day. Is there an article from the past that you could expand on? How about something one of them wrote today that you don’t agree with or see from a different angle? I am by no means telling to you call out the other blogger and start an all out internet content war (no one ever wins those things anyway). Stick to your content and your readers and present new information in your own unique way. Leave the content copying and name calling to the amateurs and grow your business by expressing your unique voice on a topic that has been covered elsewhere on the net.
  4. Your “In case of emergency…break open” Cheat Sheet – If you are not doing this little tip…start today. For all of my blogs, I have an emergency list of blog article topics ready to go in case of emergency. As article ideas hit my cranium randomly throughout the day (typically when I am neck deep in an activity related to that specific niche blog topic), I jot them down on a piece of paper or log them in my iPhone. Once I get to my cheat sheet, I transfer these ideas into a formulated list of topic ideas. That way…when I get in front of that blank Add New Post screen, I have a backup of about 20 or so article ideas if I absolutely can’t come up with anything from any other content source. These topics are normally timeless in nature (won’t be out of date in two weeks) so they are always relevant.

    You can even take this one step farther and actually draft up the articles in your free time so all you have to do is quick edit and publish. I have been known to keep a couple of articles in the drafts folder for just the reason.

As you can see, there is no reason to sit at a blank screen and shake uncontrollably because you have nothing to write about. Content is EVERYWHERE. You just have to open your eyes, get creative and make writer’s block your bitch.

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Rob Mangiafico October 7, 2009 - 10:11 am
Right on the money Robb! The "cheat sheet" one is my go-to plan. The key is being able to write down the idea (paper, phone, notepad, etc...) right away with a few notes (like an outline) that makes writing the actual blog post pretty easy. I agree on the forums one as well. Look at what people are asking about for help, and if it's in your area of expertise, make it into a blog post. Rob - LexiConn
Robb Sutton October 7, 2009 - 10:13 am
Adding a couple of notes to the cheat sheet is a fantastic idea. It will get your brain jump started when it comes time to write. Great tip!
Betsy Talbot October 7, 2009 - 10:24 am
Hi, Robb. I keep a stack of yellow index cards next to my computer. Every time I get a brainstorm or even a hint of an idea I want to explore, I write it down and put it to the side. I used to try to remember these things while I was in the middle of something else and lost a lot of good ideas that way. This way may be old school, but it works for me. I'm also in the Problogger Community and paying the 2 bucks a month to hang out with quality bloggers. That in itself will help me take it up a notch. Good post!
Robb Sutton October 7, 2009 - 10:46 am touched on a very key element of the cheat sheet and that is finding a system that works for you. If the yellow sticky notes work for you...keep rockin' it! I would probably end up with a pile of mess! But that is just how I am...
Michael Holmes October 7, 2009 - 8:43 pm
I just have to tell you...I loved the post...but I LOVED the title! Good stuff Robb:)
Robb Sutton October 7, 2009 - 8:45 pm
Thanks Michael! The title hit me like a ton of bricks and I just had to run with it.
Dipankar Kuzzuk Subba October 8, 2009 - 2:01 am
Rob, the cheat sheet is a great idea that I rely on a lot. I just need to organize my cheat sheet better. :) Great list and see you over at
Robb Sutton October 9, 2009 - 6:28 am
Organization can be my crutch as well. I have to force myself to do it!
Rick Castellini October 8, 2009 - 11:26 am
Although Stumble doesn't produce a lot of sticky readers, I agree that it can be a great start to some writing creativity. I also find going through my own archives (now almost 14 years worth of info), I can dig out a post to update or re-write from a new angle. Things change in 14 years, right?
Robb Sutton October 9, 2009 - 6:27 am
Great point Rick. I find myself doing the same thing with older content. Things change so fast on the web these days that going back through old content and looking for a new update on things is just good practice in general.
Angie (Losing It and Loving It) October 9, 2009 - 12:55 pm
Great suggestions to overcome writers block. I often have a ton of ideas written down but then I don't know where to start. I should probably be putting all the topic ideas in ONE place to cut down on the overwhelm and then sort them all out by main topics. I always find your blog so helpful. Thanks!
FitJerk - Flawless Fitness October 11, 2009 - 4:40 pm
Rob, Id rather just make you my bitch so when I have a writers block... my problem is solved. Heh. I play. But good article. Forums and Stumble upon are by FAR the best option. In fact I don't use them when I have a writers block... I just use them. Period. I can't remember the last time I sat down and stared at the tiny vertical line blinking away. And cheat sheet? A lil old school but nice. I use my phone's voice recorder. I'll be walking down the street and *pop* comes an idea. I voice that shit. It's perfect. Same idea, but 21st century execution. P.S- Nice blog dude. I'll be stopping by. Unexpected. Like my douchebag neighbor.
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